Jon Stewart Slams The Media For Parroting 'Not Optimal-Gate' From Bullsh*t Mountain

A few weeks ago, The Daily Show's Jon Stewart debated the so-called "Mayor of Bullsh*t Mountain," Bill O'Reilly. This Monday evening, he called out the rest of the media for following Fox and their right wing freakout over President Obama's appearance on Stewart's show the week before, which he rightfully coined, "Not-Optimal-Gate."

debated the so-called "Mayor of Bullsh*t Mountain," Bill O'Reilly. This Monday evening, he called out the rest of the media for following Fox and their right wing freakout over President Obama's appearance on Stewart's show the week before, which he rightfully coined, "Not-Optimal-Gate."

I remember watching that interview and not thinking there was much there which would be considered news worthy or new that would warrant spending the time writing a post about it, only to see the subsequent freak out that Stewart laid into here and I just wound up shaking my head about it in disgust and disbelief. I'm not sure how small a non-controversy has to be from the left to be blown up, or how large a real controversy has to be from the right to be ignored by the right wing media in this country and Fox, but we're sure as hell finding out over the last dozen years or so.

Media Matters has more on the "not optimal" wingnuttery here: "Not Optimal": Conservative Media Use Incomplete Report To Smear Obama As Callous Toward American Deaths.

And as I noted in the headline for the post, Stewart also slammed the rest of the media for jumping on board as well and parroting Fox's talking points on the "controversy."

STEWART: This is what brings us back to "not optimal." This is what brings us back to not optimal and how bullsh*t mountain works its magic. Because ridiculous and hyperbolic and unfounded as the pronouncements from bullsh*t mountain are, for some reason, other news networks can’t resist its siren song. [...]

That’s the thing about bullsh*t mountain, you may not live on it, but whenever it rains, you get the mudslide.

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