John Cornyn: We'll Be Happy To Cooperate With Democrats To Destroy Our Social Safety Nets

Well isn't this just special? Here's the one place Republicans are willing to work with the Obama administration. Destroying what's left of our social

advice of this debt commission. Here's to hoping it goes over about as well as when Bush did his tour on privatizing Social Security. This is one policy we don't need the Republicans having an opportunity to tout as a bipartisan victory.

I'd love to know which policy wonk in the Obama administration is being overpaid to think this is a good idea or that who they picked to be assigned to the deficit commission such as wingnut Alan Simpson is a good idea.

Swain: You’ve said the deficit issue that are issues number one and number two. Do you… what will it be like to be a national politics in a national era of belt tightening that lies ahead for this country?

Cornyn: I think it’s going to be very tough and one reason why I think we need to fully engage with President Obama, I hope his debt commission which will report December the first comes out with a realistic and effective ways to deal with our mounting fiscal crisis. And I think it’s a good time for Republicans and Democrats to work together to confront this because it’s not going to go away and I think that’s what the American people want us to do and what we need to do.

But it’s not going to be pleasant… uhmm…that’s ah… what we signed on for and what I think you will see Republicans and Democrats do together if the President and the Democrats are serious about it I think we will meet them more than half way.

All I can say is that if Cornyn or the Obama administration thinks that this is going to go over with anyone any better than it did for Bush when he thought it was a good idea to go on a tour talking about privatizing Social Security, they're sadly mistaken. I would also add that watching Wall Street's excesses have done nothing but add to the mistrust of privatizing those accounts. People are now well aware of what would have happened and did happen to their savings when the markets took a dump. And we haven't regulated them to this day after that happening.

Little wonder most people might not want their Social Security checks tied to Wall Street. I know I don't. If either Cornyn or the Obama administration try to heap this type of bipartisan legislation on us in the near future we all need to be picking up our phones and telling them "hell no".

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