Juan Williams Calls Out Hannity For Throwing Dirt At Obama To See What Sticks

After Sean Hannity spent the opening of his show talking to Tucker Carlson about the right's latest drummed up non-controversy, Hannity brought on Fox regular Juan Williams and "tea partier" and one of Fox's favorite conservative African American

latest drummed up non-controversy, Hannity brought on Fox regular Juan Williams and "tea partier" and one of Fox's favorite conservative African American "designated black attackers" David Webb, to discuss the old recordings of President Obama they were pretending is breaking news.

And lo and behold Hannity's race baiting was finally even too much for Williams, who called Hannity out for throwing dirt at President Obama to see what will stick and constantly pushing one ridiculous "conspiracy theory" after another to score cheap political points.

Of course Williams barely got to make his points, because if he wasn't being interrupted by Webb talking over him, he was being interrupted by Hannity screaming over him. If Hannity gets much more worked up while attacking President Obama, we're going to see both the seat of his pants and his hair literally light on fire on the set.

I don't know if Hannity and Drudge and Carlson honestly thought this latest stunt was going to help Mitt Romney, or if they just don't care because of their blind hatred of President Obama, but I think this is going to backfire on them, big time. When you can't even get your generally compliant Fox faux-liberal to go along with you and they inadvertently let the audience know how desperate you look , you've got problems.

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