Juan Williams: Why Don't You Go After Blackwater? Why Don't You Go After The Defense Industry That Rips Off Our Country?
Every once in a while Juan Williams almost gets one right on ClusterFox. While discussing whether the government should be cutting off funds for ACORN
Every once in a while Juan Williams almost gets one right on ClusterFox. While discussing whether the government should be cutting off funds for ACORN, Juan Williams asks Hannity why he's not concerned about the billions of dollars we've been ripped off for by private contractors and our defense department. Of course Hannity has no problem with that since they're "keeping us safe".
HANNITY: And we continue now with our "Great American Panel." Should ACORN lose all federal funds? Juan?
WILLIAMS: Well, yes, if they are guilty of this corruption, yes, they should, you can't have federal money going into a corrupt organization.
Now, I will say this, Sean. Exactly how serious do you think this is? Because the way you play it...
HANNITY: Extreme.
WILLIAMS: ... you would think that this is the basis of all corruption, going to take apart our great country. And you know what? This is miniscule. And most of what ACORN does is help poor people.
HANNITY: Getting tens of millions, getting $8 billion.
WILLIAMS: Forget that. They got about $5 million.
STEWART: The thing is, when you receive that amount of federal dollars or any amount, you should be held accountable. And the face is, whenever the layers are peeled back, the spotlight is put on them. In this case, when it comes to voter fraud, when it comes to using taxpayer money to support campaigns, which they did with the Obama campaign, they should all federal funds...
WILLIAMS: That's not proven. That's not proven.
HANNITY: Obama was a lawyer.
WILLIAMS: That's not -- that's a charge. That's not a fact.
CIANCI: Look, look, ACORN is an association that started back in 1970. It was to empower people. And I'm sure it was started for all the right reasons. Voter registration, helping people get home ownership, finding jobs, raising the minimum wage.
I'm sure the goals are noble, but, unfortunately, as a lot of organizations grow, there's a lot of bad, toxic people who get involved with it. And that's what we have here. The videos speak for themselves. No one made those videos up.
And so does it need to be investigated? Yes. And those congressmen and those senators are not going to stay close to ACORN.
HANNITY: They've gotten over $54 million now.
CIANCI: Over 10 years.
HANNITY: That's our money. On track with the stimulus to get $8.5 billion.
WILLIAMS: But it's not happening. Did you see the vote the other day? It was 80 -- OK, 80...
HANNITY: Because of these two little kids.
WILLIAMS: Eighty-three to seven. So that's Republicans and Democrats. The Census Bureau pulling out.
But I will say something to you. You're a big guy. How come you're not going after people who take billions of dollars? Why don't you go after Blackwater? Why don't you go after the defense industry that rips off our country? You know, these are people...
HANNITY: The industry that keeps us safe.
WILLIAMS: Why don't you go after Wall Street?
HANNITY: Look, how about we go after the corrupt radicals in the Obama administration?
CIANCI: ACORN -- ACORN is an organization that maybe should stay in existence, but not the way it is right now. They shouldn't get a dime.
HANNITY: We only have 30 seconds.
STEWART: They should have zero to do with the census. They should not receive any more funds and have nothing to do with the senses.
WILLIAMS: What about Bernie Madoff and the Wall Street people that do our people...?
HANNITY: How about we go after the government that bankrupted Social Security and Medicare? How about we go after the government that bankrupt Social Security and Medicare, and Obama that gave us a promise that we'd have 8 percent unemployment?
WILLIAMS: Why don't we go after George Bush, who gives us prescription drug benefits without paying for it?
HANNITY: I'm against it. I'm against it.
HANNITY: All right, we've got to run. Now, thank you guys. Great panel. Good to see you all.