Judd Gregg Fearmongers Over Social Security Solvency

Former New Hampshire Senator Judd Gregg joined the crew of Morning Joe and jumped all over the Huffington Post's Sam Stein when he pointed out that Social Security is solvent for the next twenty some years. Gregg's reasoning -- it's not solvent

Former New Hampshire Senator Judd Gregg joined the crew of Morning Joe and jumped all over the Huffington Post's Sam Stein when he pointed out that Social Security is solvent for the next twenty-some years. Gregg's reasoning -- it's not solvent because the taxpayers will either be asked to pay the money back they borrowed against it, or we borrow money from places like China.

So basically he thinks it's insolvent because he doesn't think the money should have to be paid back. This is coming from someone who never had a problem with deficits when George W. Bush and the Republicans were busy invading countries that weren't a threat to us and giving tax cuts to the rich which broke the bank, but now the world's going to come to an end because we're supposedly broke. Social Security is funded by our payroll taxes and does nothing to add to the deficit, but these guys can't stop lying and pretending it does.

And of course Joe Scarborough and Pat Buchanan -- who it appears still has a cot in the MSNBC studios since he's on there every time you turn around -- were happy to help him out ratcheting up the fear. If they want to make Social Security solvent for decades to come, all they need to do is raise the income cap. And shame on Gregg and the rest of them for wanting to balance the budget on the backs of seniors and acting like it's acceptable not to repay that trust fund.

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