Keith Olbermann Asks If Limbaugh Called His Own Mother Or Any Of His Four Wives A Prostitute

Keith Olbermann knocked hypocrite Rush Limbaugh during his Worst Persons segment Thursday evening for his attacks on Georgetown University Law student Sandra Fluke by pointing out that he may have inadvertently called any of his four wives or his

on Georgetown University Law student Sandra Fluke by pointing out that he may have inadvertently called any of his four wives or his own mother prostitutes if they have ever used birth control.

Olbermann: Did Limbaugh just call his own mother a prostitute?:

Countdown host Keith Olbermann on Thursday said conservative radio show host Rush Limbaugh of probably inadvertently called his own mother a prostitute.

“His attacks on Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke have cross some kind of line, particularly when it comes to revealing his own sexual desires and preferences,” he said. “Taking time out from his continual references to men bending over and grabbing their ankles, Limbaugh today repeated his assault on Ms. Fluke who was refused the right to testify at Congressman Issa’s birth control hearing last month because she represented a case in which her insurance plan did not include birth control because it was run by a Catholic institution.” [...]

Olbermann noted that by that definition of a prostitute, “if your wife Catherine has ever used birth control and did not pay for it 100 percent out of her own pocket, or if your previous wife Martha ever used birth control and did not pay for it 100 percent out of her own pocket, or if your second wife Michelle ever used birth control and did not pay for it 100 percent out of her own pocket, or your first wife Roxy ever used birth control and did not pay for it 100 percent out of her own pocket, or if your mother Milly ever used birth control and did not pay for it 100 percent out of her own pocket, by your own definition Mr. Limbaugh, what does that make them?”

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