Keith Olbermann Slams Keith Ablow For Writing That Gingrich's Three Marriages Might Make Him A Strong President

Keith Olbermann slammed Fox's Dr. Keith Ablow for this op-ed claiming that presidential candidate Newt Gingrich's three marriages might actually make him a great president in this Friday's Worst Persons segment. From Media Matters -- Fox's Dr.

Fox's Dr. Keith Ablow: "Gingrich's Three Marriages Mean He Might Make A Strong President":

An opinion piece by Dr. Keith Ablow, a member of Fox News' "Medical A-Team," appeared on FoxNews.com today. In it, Ablow argues that the fact that Republican candidate Newt Gingrich has been married three times means that he could be an effective president. Read on...

Runners up were Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear -- Kentucky Gov. Cuts Education Funding While Preserving Tax Breaks For Biblically-Themed Amusement Park.

And Newt Gingrich -- Gingrich Bashes Obama for Holding Elitist Town Hall in Disney World.

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