Ken Blackwell: I Know How To Win Elections

[media id=7051] You Tube In his opening statement at Grover Norquist's RNC Chairman debate, Ken Blackwell proclaims that he "knows how to win electi

You Tube

In his opening statement at Grover Norquist's RNC Chairman debate, Ken Blackwell proclaims that he "knows how to win elections". I would digress Mr. Blackwell and say that you've instead shown a willingness to help steal them. And what is one of his solutions for future Republican victories? Redistricting. Good old Republicans. If you can't win fairly win by hook or by crook.

I've got to wonder how Blackwell and Steele felt sitting there with Chip Saltsman during this event especially given that Steele slammed Saltsman for his Barack the Magic Negro stunt.

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