Laura Ingraham Plays Concern Troll For The Rich And Attacks Middle Class Tax Cuts

Laura Ingraham plays concern troll for the rich or the "givers" as she calls them and cries about how overburdened they're going to be if they have to

Laura Ingraham plays concern troll for the rich or the "givers" as she calls them and cries about how overburdened they're going to be if they have to pay more taxes. She also attacks recent tax credits given to "middle class" earners as well. Watch out or the middle class isn't going to pay any taxes either just like those lazy "takers" at the bottom she was referring to.

I know they've got the teabaggers bamboozled into thinking that the tax cuts for the wealthy are going to benefit them as well, but this segment seemed a bit too obvious even for Fox. Somehow directly attacking tax cuts for the "middle class" (which she should have called working class since we really don't have much of a middle class left) doesn't seem like a winning message even for their audience.

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