Lawrence O'Donnell Bids Farewell To Donald Trump And His Debate Hosting

Lawrence O'Donnell gave Donald Trump a little send off during his Rewrite segment on this Tuesday night's Last Word now that he's pulled out of moderating the Newsmax Republican debate that almost none of the candidates wanted to show up for. In

Lawrence O'Donnell gave Donald Trump a little send off during his Rewrite segment on this Tuesday night's Last Word now that he's pulled out of moderating the Newsmax Republican debate that almost none of the candidates wanted to show up for.

In Memoriam: The Donald Trump Debate

And for a little reminder of why Donald Trump polluting our airways is so extremely toxic the political dialog in the United States, here's a bit from C-SPAN's Washington Journal from this Monday morning, with a caller who's obviously been spending too much time listening to Trump when it comes to our invasion of Iraq and asking why those horrible ungrateful Iraqis haven't been willing to pay us back in oil yet for their "freedom."

I will really be happy when I never have to see Trump's mug on my television set again. I also sincerely hope that all he's done here with this debate of his is to help to damage the GOP primary contenders with turning their primary race into a bigger joke than it was already with the need to feed his ego and with the field of candidates for the most part (Huntsman and Paul being the exceptions) treating him as someone who should have his ring kissed rather than someone to be derided.

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