Linda McMahon isn't the only one who doesn't know what the minimum wage is. RNC Chair Michael Steele doesn't know what it is either. While discussing Linda McMahon's statement that the minimum wage ought to be reviewed, MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell asks Steele if he knows what the minimum wage is, and he refuses to answer, accusing O'Donnell of playing a gotcha game with him.
Steele's defense every time O'Donnell made a good point, or asked him a question he didn't have an answer for, his response was to tell O'Donnell how "funny" he was. Sadly, it's no laughing matter for Steele or these other Republicans to be so out of touch that they aren't even aware of what the minimum wage is.
O'Donnell also asked Steele if it was now the Republican Party's position as Joe Miller has said that the minimum wage is un-Constitutional and Steele punted and wouldn't answer. O'Donnell followed by asking him if he'd be willing to "make a Republican Party commitment to minimum wage workers that you absolutely will not consider repealing or reducing the minimum wage?" Steele told him "nice try" and said he doesn't do policy. So in other words, "no."