thing here.
The truth of the matter is that these people have no new ideas no matter how they want to dress them up and pretend they're new. It's the same thing they've been doing for the last 30 plus years now. Ed Schultz summed up their new "pledge" earlier today pretty well. He said, they think Americans are stupid. I couldn't agree more. They must think we've got amnesia about how they governed while they were in power for the better part of the Bush administration.
And Red State's Erick Erickson was just on Anderson Cooper's show along with J.D. Hayworth denying everything Rachel Maddow was saying here about what their agenda is. Paul Begala basically said the same thing as Rachel and they called it "fear mongering." Well, they'd know all about that now, wouldn't they? It's not fear mongering to point out what you've said you believe in and want to do if you get back in power and how you've voted on many of these issues already. I guess they think no one has any of them recorded.
The Democrats biggest problem is these rotten Blue Dogs (thanks Rahm) that will muck up the works and vote with Republicans every time they get a chance and some bad apples in the Senate. It's a damn shame we didn't get rid of Blanche Lincoln in the primary this time around. Now we're going to get an actual Republican to take her place. If the Democratic leadership isn't going to work to get better candidates elected, we're going to have to do it ourselves. You can go visit our Blue America page and make a donation if you want to help make that happen instead of just being frustrated.
We need to take back this country from the wingnuts and teabaggers and extremists who are doing their best to make sure Dick Armey sees his dream come true and Republicans get the keys back when they don't deserve it.