Maher To GOP: 'Why Not Embrace Pot? You Could Own Greed And Weed.'

During his New Rules segment this Friday night, Real Time's Bill Maher had some advice for politicians who are trying to appeal to a new generation of voters... put down the guns and quit making a fool of yourself doing photo-ops pretending you're a hunter and embrace legalizing marijuana.

pretending you're a hunter and embrace legalizing marijuana.

I don't think we're ever going to get most politicians to quit pandering to hunters, or the NRA for that matter any time soon, especially Republican politicians. I agree it's past time to legalize pot. We spend way too much money locking people up for non-violent drug offenses, but for the Republicans who wanted this "war on drugs" I'm sure that's a feature and not a bug.

Maher hoped we might see Democrats "evolve" on the issue as well and suggested that Hillary Clinton "say goodbye to the pantsuit and welcome back to stoner Hillary."

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