Malkin: Bush's Spying OK Because He Supported 'War On Terror'

Michelle Malkin does her best to excuse the NSA spying on everyone during the Bush administration, but not so much now that there's a Democrat in the White House.

spying and data mining under Obama -- now it's completely different because the Kenyan usurper terrorist lover is doing it.

On this Thursday's Fox & Friends, resident flame thrower Michelle Malkin gave the right's latest sorry excuse for why this was acceptable under Bush but not Obama and that is, Obama declared the "war on terror is over"... even though that's not exactly what he said.

Apparently in Malkin's world, as long as you're willing to declare perpetual war against a tactic, spying on Americans who haven't done anything wrong is perfectly acceptable. And of course, as always, there's that other rule, which is IOKIYAR.

The left has been complaining about this issue since it began and there isn't anyone out there who suddenly thinks this is just great now that President Obama was elected. Sadly this has been a bipartisan problem when it comes to our members of Congress, with those who have opposed the spying being very few and far between. Fox has pretty well ignored reporters like James Bamford, who has been writing about the NSA and their data mining for a very long time now.

If Malkin and her ilk over at Fox really want to put an end to this, I'd be glad to join her in calling for the Patriot Act to be repealed right now and along with whatever changes need to be made to our laws in order to put an end to this spying tomorrow. I won't hold my breath for that to happen any time soon though. You know all of this is going to be just fine with them again whenever we get another Republican in the White House.

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