Marc Thiessen Claims Abu Zubaydah Thanked His Interrogator For Waterboarding Him

From C-SPAN's Washington Journal, torture monger Marc Thiessen claims that waterboarding is not torture and that it worked because Abu Zubaydah, who w

waterboarded 83 times in one month, thanked his interrogator after the fact and said "you must do this for all the brothers" and that a "moral burden" was lifted from his shoulders to resist talking during his interrogation.

Since it's not likely anyone is going to go find that interrogator who supposedly told him this, there's no way to fact check what he's saying, but given that one, it's hard to imagine anyone thanking an interrogator after they were tortured for a month straight, and two, given the litany of known lies Thiessen told during this forty minute long interview on C-SPAN, there is absolutely no reason to believe this either. Marcy Wheeler has a great post up with the details that are known on the interrogation of Abu Zubaydah and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed that contradicts what Theissen says here about whether we gained any useful information from torture and how many times these men were waterboarded. The HuffPo has more on this torture lover as well -- Former Bush Speechwriter Wants More Torture.

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