Marco Rubio Claims President Obama Is 'Using The Tax Code As A Weapon For Class Warfare'

You can always count on Republicans to take their worst qualities and attempt to project them onto the Democrats and President Obama. Marco Rubio could not give Chris Wallace a real answer to his question about which of President Obama's policies

can't stop lying out on the campaign trail either. Here's their exchange and more below the fold on what Wallace let him get away with unchallenged.

WALLACE: When you say that the president's policies make it harder to start a new business or hire people, give me two examples where you think, the Obama policy would make it harder and Romney would make it easier.

RUBIO: Sure. Well, first of all, the president has run up a $5 trillion debt, which creates tremendous worry about the future. People look at that and say, OK, this is a country that's running up massive debts. They are destined for a massive tax increases to pay it off. That scares people from investing in the American economy. And without investment money, how are you going to open a business or grow an existing one.

The second thing is uncertainty about the tax code. You have a president that constantly goes around the country using the tax code as a weapon for class warfare, dividing Americans against each other, constantly looking for -- he thinks the solution to every problem the nation faces is some sort of tax increase on somebody.

The third is a regulatory environment. Just the health care law alone is an endless stream of regulations that scare people. So, if you are a small business person, you are afraid to hire employees because you have no idea how much it's going to cost you to comply with the health care law. Those are just three stark examples that I didn't make them up, that I'm hearing from real people here in Florida that are afraid of hiring people or starting a new business because of things directly attributable to this president and his administration.

That's simply not true. Ezra Klein has more on that which you can read here -- Doing the math on Obama's deficits and here are some charts to go along with that article showing whose policies have actually increased the deficit.

Adding to the deficit: Bush vs. Obama:

Since President Obama became chief executive, the national debt has risen almost $5 trillion. But how much of that was because of policies passed by Obama, and how much was caused by the financial crisis, the continuation of past policies and other effects? For this analysis, we worked with the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities to attach a price tag to the legislation passed by Obama and his predecessor. George W. Bush’s major policies increased the debt by more than $5 trillion during his presidency. Obama has increased the debt by less than $1 trillion.

Republicans constantly try to paint President Obama as someone who has raised taxes, even though he actually cut taxes as Dave Johnson explains here: Eight False Things The Public “Knows” Prior To Election Day:

2) President Obama raised taxes, which hurt the economy.

Reality: Obama cut taxes. 40% of the "stimulus" was wasted on tax cuts which only create debt, which is why it was so much less effective than it could have been.

And from Dave Johnson's post as well:

6) Health care reform costs $1 trillion.

Reality: The health care reform reduces government deficits by $138 billion.

And here's more from Steve Benen's post linked above debunking Mitt Romney's lies on the campaign trail which Rubio repeated here:

11. Romney told Charlie Rose that the president has launched an "attack on small businesses."

In reality, Obama has cut taxes on small businesses (several times), eased the process that allows small businesses to be created, and streamlined the patent process. [...]

13. Romney said regulations under Obama are duplicating "like proverbial rabbits."

It's a subjective question, I suppose, but at a minimum, this is deeply misleading. The truth is, Obama approved fewer regulations than George W. Bush did over a comparable period. [...]

17. Romney, at the same event, said raising the top marginal income tax rate would force small businesses to "cut back" and not "hire more."

This is one of those zombie lies that never goes away, but it's still not true.

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