Marco Rubio With More Lies And Projection In GOP Weekly Address

With the upcoming primary in Florida next week, the Republicans decided to trot out their "golden boy" Marco Rubio for a good bit of projection on who it was that tanked our economy and to rattle off their usual list of grievances about President

unprecedented obstruction by the Republicans in the Congress.

What Rubio dished out here was more of their upside down definition of "class warfare" where they obviously think most Americans are too stupid to know what the actual definition of class warfare is and that it's their wealthy political donors who are winning that war right now with record income disparity in the United States.

Rubio also repeated the zombie lie that we've been hearing from Mitt Romney on the campaign trail, that "Obama made the economy worse." Jon Perr debunked that lie already for C&L in his post here -- Romney's Big Lie on the Economy Gets Bigger. And for a little reminder about that economic mess the Obama administration was left and who caused our current deficit, I'll just remind everyone again about this chart -- The Bush Deficit.

Rubio again says that the stimulus bill didn't work even though we know that Republicans have been talking out of both sides of their mouth on the issue since we know they were all clamoring for that money for their individual states and districts as we documented here, and here, and here, and here, and here. And we have more where those came from but I'll stop there.

Rubio pretends that the Republicans care about upward mobility and everyday Americans being able to get ahead, but their policies of trickle-down economics and tax breaks for the richest among us have led to nothing but record income disparity the likes of which we haven't seen since The Gilded Age, and their solutions are for more of the same that we saw under George W. Bush, but put on steroids. If this is really the message they want to carry into the general election, it's going to be interesting to see how the public responds once they all start trying to campaign on this around the country and try to sell this snake oil to someone besides Republican primary voters.

If the reactions from my coworkers, friends and family that I've spoken to so far are any indication, I don't think it's going to go well for them. I've gotten nothing but completely negative reaction from anyone who has been even remotely paying attention on their messaging, their "class warfare" rhetoric and even my lifelong Republican father has called the current crop of GOP presidential candidates "a bunch of clowns" after watching some of their debates.

Transcript via Real Clear Politics below the fold -- Rubio Gives GOP Weekly Address: Obama Has "Made Everything Worse":

In the Weekly Republican Address, Florida Senator Marco Rubio explains the failures of the Obama administration. He contrasts those with the promise of America that he and Republicans believe in, if the government stops doing the wrong things.

Sen. Rubio says, "As you know, earlier this week, President Obama delivered his fourth annual address to Congress. It was an opportunity for the President to talk about his accomplishments over the last three years and to lay out his plans for the year ahead.

"And he missed on both counts.

"You didn't hear much talk about the success of his Administration—and that's because there isn't much.

"Yes, this President inherited a significant national debt, but over the last three years he's made it worse. Our national debt has grown by nearly 50 percent since he took over, and now, for the first time since World War II, our national debt is larger than our country's economy.

"Yes, this President inherited an economy where unemployment was too high, but over the last three years he's made it worse. Today our unemployment rate is higher than the day he took office. In fact, since he took over, it's been stuck over 8 percent every single month.

"This President didn't talk about his record for one simple reason; he doesn't want you to know about it. But you do know about it, because you feel the failure of his leadership every single day of your life.

"The bottom line is this President inherited a country with serious problems. He asked the Congress to give him the stimulus and Obamacare to fix it. The Democrats in Congress gave it to him. And not only did it not work, it made everything worse.

"President Obama has a year left in the White House. So what are his plans now to make things better? What does he plan to do now, that he didn't do before? Well we got our answer Tuesday night. He plans to divide us against each other. To pit Americans against other Americans in the hopes of generating enough votes to get re-elected.

"He tells Americans worried about their jobs that the way to help them is to raise their bosses' taxes.

"He tells those who are hurting that the only way they can be better off, is for others to be worse off.

"He tells all of us that the only way for some of us to climb up the economic ladder is for others to be pulled down.

"This divisive rhetoric, this effort to gain political support by convincing some that they will be better off if we punish others, this stuff has never worked anywhere it's been tried.

"People end up fleeing countries who adopt economic policies based on these flawed principles. And more often than not, they come here.

"They come here because this is not who we are.

"Americans have always believed that all of us can succeed.

"That those who have made it fairly, can stay there. And those who are trying to make it will have a real chance to join them.

"This is what has made us different. This is what has made us prosperous. This is what makes us exceptional.

"And now, for the first time in my adult life, we have a President who's asking us to abandon our economic heritage.

"To become like the countries people come here to get away from.

"To become like everybody else.

"Yes, people are hurting. Yes, there is a growing gap between the rich and the poor.

"But the way to solve it is not to embrace the 'trickle up poverty' economics of other nations.

"The way to solve it is to embrace the American Free Enterprise system.

"No economic system is perfect. But the American Free Enterprise system has empowered millions of people in the past. I know, because I saw it with my own eyes.

"My father was a bartender. And I thank God every night that there was someone willing to risk their money to build a hotel on Miami Beach and later in Las Vegas where he could work.

"I thank God that there was enough prosperity in America so people could go on vacation to Miami or Las Vegas. Where people felt prosperous enough to have weddings or Bar Mitzvahs and, by the way, could leave tips in my Dad's little tip jar. Because with that money he raised us. And he gave me the opportunity to do things he never had a chance to do.

"Now, we had help along the way. I had student loans and grants from the government to help me get my education. And I went to our public school system.

"That's an important role for government to play. And so I also thank God that we had an economy prosperous enough to afford to pay for these things as well.

"So, I'll just close by saying, I hope this year will be the beginning of our work towards a new and prosperous American century.

"Because I know that this idea of a nation where anyone from anywhere can accomplish anything, it's not just something I read about in history books. I've seen it in my own life. And there's no reason why we cannot continue it here, if only we do the right things."

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