Margaret Carlson On The Press Coverage Of Trump And Palin: 'We Are Always Go Going To Follow The Shiny Object'

While discussing the media allowing Sarah Palin being allowed to rain all over Mitt Romney's announcement that he's running for president this week, Bloomberg's Margaret Carlson admitted on CNN's Reliable Sources that our media really doesn't have

CNN's Reliable Sources that our media really doesn't have much concern for what ought to be serious topics, but instead are "going to follow the shiny object" as they have in the case of Donald Trump and Sarah Palin.

Sadly between media consolidation and the merger of what passes for news being mixed in with entertainment, you could make that same statement about a vast amount of what fills our airways these days.

KURTZ: Mitt Romney declared his candidacy for president of the United States in New Hampshire on Thursday. He was on page three of "The Manchester Union-Leader." She was on page one.

She's not running, at least not now. He's been running for a long time. He made it official.

It seems like something's screwed up here.

CARLSON: Listen, we are always go going to follow the shiny object, so let's just give that up. Donald Trump was not a serious presidential candidate.

KURTZ: And got plenty of coverage.

CARLSON: And got plenty of coverage.

KURTZ: And got more coverage when he had pizza with Sarah Palin this week, which was this great New York photo-op.

CARLSON: Oh, right, the two phenoms coming together. But, you know, of all the states in the lower 48, she picked New Hampshire. It's not an accident. She wanted to crash his party, and she did, and she can.

So, throughout this campaign, have you to feel sorry for Republicans who are serious about it. She can come in at any moment and upset their apple carts. That's just who she is and how much coverage she can get.

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