when her husband made the grave mistake of laughing at her when she accidentally said "tea bag people". Here's the bit that set her off while they were discussing Andrew Breitbart and his attack on Shirley Sherrod.
CARVILLE: He's at the fault of it.
MATALIN: The reason they keep repeating the same mistake and they don't take advantage of their teaching moments is because of the presumption of race and that Republicans and conservatives are racist. A year ago today or tomorrow, the president said the Cambridge cops were stupid. The tea bag people -- the Tea Party people -- see, I can't even -- they've call them that so much -- see what I mean?
They presume and they accuse conservatives of racism and they rush to judgment and they manufacture and flagrantly lie about conservatives of all stripes on radio, off the air, and they have this elitist --
CARVILLE: I'm sorry --
MATALIN: -- something despicable attitude and then they want to have --
CARVILLE: I'm sorry --
MATALIN: -- a national dialogue -- I'm not having this conversation with him, John.
CARVILLE: I'm sorry --
MATALIN: Do you want to have a conversation --
CARVILLE: I know. I'm sorry, but the person that edited -- the dishonest person in this was the filmmaker.
Sorry Mary, but no one ever said that all Republicans or conservatives are racist. The NAACP just asked the Tea Party to call out the racists in their ranks. And if you don't think there are any racists in the Tea Party, then maybe you can explain why white nationalists and members of sites like Stormfront are promoting them.