Matt Lewis Admits Conservatives Are Piling On Obama To Get Even For Criticism Of Bush

On CNN's Reliable Sources, Matt Lewis is asked to weigh in on the media narrative that President Obama is out of touch with voters because he doesn't

On CNN's Reliable Sources, Matt Lewis is asked to weigh in on the media narrative that President Obama is out of touch with voters because he doesn't look like he's angry enough at BP for this disaster in the Gulf. Even though Lewis repeats the typical Republican clap trap that of course all Democrats whether they served in the military or not are somehow out of touch with "real Americans" and Republican's like Reagan and Bush are just men of the people, he does admit one thing here that might get him in trouble with the rabid right wingers out there.

KURTZ: But in terms of words mattering, I see a lot of commentators, particularly on your side, talking about Obama is now Jimmy Carter; this is Obama's Katrina.

I mean, it seems to me that some conservative pundits who never liked Obama -- you feel like the press is catching up -- are really using this disaster to pile on.

LEWIS: Oh, sure, and some of it's hypocritical and some of it's just politics, plain politics.

KURTZ: Why is it hypocritical?

LEWIS: Well, you know, first of all, I do think that if this were George W. Bush, it would be worse, and so a lot of Republicans and a lot of conservatives are saying, they beat up on my guy, so I'm going to beat up on their guy, even if it's not fair.

I await Limbaugh's attacks after he gets back from his honeymoon that I don't even want to think about. There's not quite enough brain bleach for that one. Maybe Lewis will luck out and he missed it.

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