Matthews Calls Defeat Of Establishment Candidates In Senate Primaries A 'Revolution'

While Matthews is right that there's a lot of anti-incumbent voter anger out there, how sad is it that a corporate Democrat and a Republican just turn

While Matthews is right that there's a lot of anti-incumbent voter anger out there, how sad is it that a corporate Democrat and a Republican just turned Democrat possibly being ousted by a couple of more "centrist" Democrats is being called a "revolution" here? What would be revolutionary would be to get the money and corruption out of our politics and have public financing for campaigns so that primary races where challengers for our United States Senate actually having a chance to win were a lot more commonplace. As it is now once these people are voted in it's almost impossible to get them voted back out of there, no matter how awful they are.

As to Rand Paul, given his father's popularity with the Libertarian crowd that he got motivated during his Presidential campaign before the teabaggers and Dick Armey and friends co-opted the group from him, it's not all that surprising to see them supporting his son.

Heaven forbid Tweety ever passes up a chance to over-dramatize something. I'm sure he'll be animated as hell election night. I think he looks at politics like a sport instead of something that has real life consequences for the electorate.

MATTHEWS: Let me finish tonight with a thought on tomorrow`s election. We've got three big ones, all of which will gauge the level of anger out there, the amount of tough, edgy abuse people are ready to lay on the political establishment. Ground zero is Pennsylvania, where Joe Sestak is commanding a PT vote against Senator Arlen Specter`s fleet of destroyers. Those destroyers are manned by all who have an interest in Specter`s six three election, his pal, the governor, the vice president, the president, the mayor, the unions he`s been backing for decades, the center city lawyers, the judges, the people who want to judges, and, most importantly, the Democratic city committee that Specter used to work around and now is working with.

Down in Arkansas, we've got a hot race between an incumbent centrist Democrat, Blanche Lincoln, and a very ambitious lieutenant governor, Bill Halter. Lincoln was already dicey this year, which is a tough year for most Democrats, but especially southern Democrats. This Lincoln/Halter tussle is a contest that only makes sense if you know how angry the grassroots are. They`re angry because they're not getting what they want on health care and labor issues from Democrats like Lincoln. What they want is obedience to the progressive labor agenda.

In Kentucky, you've got to love it, Rand Paul, son of the libertarian Ron Paul, is dominating in a race against the state`s Republican establishment of Mitch McConnell. If Paul wins, it is going to really stick it to McConnell and the regular Republicans. It will be a big win for Jim Bunning, who had to skip a reelection effort because McConnell put the screws to him.

So there you have it, a real trifecta for those wanting to kick but. If Sestak wins in Pennsylvania, it means Democrats are as angry at the establishment as Republicans are. If Paul in Kentucky and Sestak win, it means both sides are going for change. If Halter in Arkansas and Paul and Sestak win, bet on an outright revolution.

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