Matthews Calls Out Hensarling For Wanting To Cut Benefits And Privatize Social Security
Jeb Hensarling did his best to try to dance away from Chris Matthews' blunt accessment of his double speak during this segment but I don't think he
Jeb Hensarling did his best to try to dance away from Chris Matthews' blunt accessment of his double speak during this segment but I don't think he did a very good job of it.
The good folks over at TPM have more on this -- Rep. Hensarling Advocates Cutting Benefits And Privatizing Social Security:
In the name of deficit reduction, House Republicans are going back to the Social Security well, offering budget proposals similar to those President George W. Bush proposed after his 2004 re-election that would privatize Social Security accounts and reduce cost of living adjustments.
Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) appeared on Hardball tonight and advocated balancing the budget by privatizing Social Security and cutting benefits for those now under 55.
"You can get better health care and better retirement security if you go to a defined contribution plan. We had this debate in Social Security a few years ago," Hensarling said. Read on...
We all know how well this worked when Bush started pushing for it. My fear is we're going to have ConservaDems wanting to go along with this nonsense.