Matthews Gets Family Research Council's Sprigg To Admit He Thinks Homosexuality Should Be Outlawed
While discussing Don't Ask Don't Tell with the Family Research Council's Peter Sprigg and the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network's Aubrey Sarvis, Ch
While discussing Don't Ask Don't Tell with the Family Research Council's Peter Sprigg and the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network's Aubrey Sarvis, Chris Matthews gets Peter Sprigg to admit just how extreme his views are on gay rights. Throw 'em in prison. I'm sorry but why is it every time I see one of these anti-homosexual, bigoted, religious zealots spouting this kind of crap on the television my Ted Haggard self-loathing closeted homosexual gay-dar goes off? Whatever his sexual orientation, I'm tired of watching the main stream media give his ilk face time to spread their hatred.
Matthews: Let me ask you Peter, so you think people choose to be gay.
Sprigg: People do not choose to be have same sex attractions, but they do choose to engage in homosexual conduct. And that conduct also which incidentally is against the law within the military. It violates the Uniform Code of Military Justice. It doesn't make any sense for us to be actively recruiting people who are going to violate the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Matthews: Do you think we should outlaw gay behavior?
Sprigg: Well I think certainly...
Matthews: I'm just asking you, should we outlaw gay behavior?
Sprigg: I think that the Supreme Court decision in Lawrence v. Texas which overturned the sodomy laws in this country was wrongly decided. I think there would be a place for criminal sanctions against homosexual behavior.
Matthews: So we should outlaw gay behavior?
Sprigg: Yes.
Matthews: Okay thank you much Peter Sprigg. We know your position. It's a clear one. Thank you.