Maxine Waters: Allen West Sent His Unemployed Brother To Me For Help At Our Jobs Fair
Well, what do you know. Apparently despite his inflammatory rhetoric that he's a "modern-day Harriet Tubman" and that Democrats just want to keep black people on "the plantation" with keeping them reliant on our social safety nets, West's private
TPM has more on the Congresswoman's conversation with Chris Matthews here – Waters: Allen West’s Comments ‘So Odd’ — And I’m Helping His Brother (VIDEO):
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) has been firing back at Rep. Allen West (R-FL), who named her as an example of how the Democratic Party has created what he called a "21-century plantation" over black voters, with appointed African-American leaders to act as "overseers" -- the men who committed the day-to-day atrocities of ruling over slaves in the antebellum South.
"I think it's so odd," said Waters, in one such appearance on Hardball, shaking her head. "No, I think that's odd, and it doesn't make good sense. And I don't think that it even deserves a response.
Waters then dished out a response: "Did I tell you his brother was here today?"
She explained to Matthews that West, who is originally from Atlanta, has a brother who went to the Congressional Black Caucus's jobs fair and town hall event in that city.
And Ed Schultz followed up the same evening with some footage of Allen West's brother, Arlan West who was completely supportive of what the Democrats and those from the Congressional Black Caucus like Maxine Waters are doing and these jobs fairs. West also called his brother's inflammatory rhetoric "not productive" and said that all of us need to come together and figure our problems out.
As Ed Schultz noted, West seemed to back down from some of his previous statements once the news of his brother came out. And he asked of West during this segment the same thing I'd like to ask of most of the Republicans out there who keep pretending they care about job creation; "What have you done to put Americans back to work?"
The answer is of course obviously nothing, since the Republican Party has apparently decided it's more important for them to get reelected if the economy is doing horribly and people are out of work and blame it on the president rather than care about American workers and their plight. That and never mind the fact that most of their campaign donors would like to see the elimination of the middle class in America.
But they'll keep screaming tax increases on the "job creators" are unfair until the cows come home and hope that most Americans didn't already realize that those tax cuts they had under Bush didn't work out so well with those unemployment numbers, or that their deregulation of the banking industry didn't work out so well with the trillion and a half or so it took out of our economy, or that their trickle-down economics haven't worked for the working class as well.
I was happy to see at least one family member of one of these "tea partiers" family come out and explain to the public why they're just dead wrong. I'd be happy if we would see this multiplied by a few hundred or so, but I'm not holding my breath on the chance of that happening any time soon given the state of our corporate media and the fact that this "movement" was one of their creation in the first place.