McLaughlin Cites Pew Study On Percentage Of Negative Stories About McCain As Proof Of Media Bias
[media id=6674] From The McLaughlin Group, John McLaughlin cites a study by the Pew Research Center on the percentage of negative stories about McCai
From The McLaughlin Group, John McLaughlin cites a study by the Pew Research Center on the percentage of negative stories about McCain and asks his panel of the panel of Eleanor Clift, Derek McGinty, Monica Crowley and Pat Buchanan if it means the press is in the bag for Obama and of course he, Monica Crowley and Pat Buchanan all agree that they are. Monica Crowley thinks some poll of the White House press corps after the Presidential elections which shows most of them voted for Democrats proves the bias. Pat Buchanan thinks there is also some "white guilt" going on and that the New York Times covering Cindy McCain's past problems with prescription pills and not covering Obama's cocaine "problem" is the proof. Of course it couldn't possibly have anything to do with McCain doing anything to deserve the negative coverage. Oh no...