McLaughlin Group Panel Wingers Just Love Dick Cheney

John McLaughlin does the first half of his year end special where he and his panel make their picks for the winners of various categories for the year

John McLaughlin does the first half of his year end special where he and his panel make their picks for the winners of various categories for the year. Old Johnny-boy thinks Dick Cheney was the "Best Politician" of the year, and wingnuts Pat Buchanan and Monica Crowley think he wins the "Best Comeback". As Clarence Page points out, Dick Cheney isn't likely to be running for anything in 2012. Just because the wingnuts still like Cheney doesn't mean he's going to be winning any popularity contests with the majority of the electorate any time soon. It would not shock me to see Liz run if she ever gets tired of drawing that wingnut welfare at the think tanks and appearing on ClusterFox. Maybe Pat will help manage her campaign for her since he loves her daddy so much.

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