Megyn Kelly Asks What The Risks Are For Obama 'Channeling His Inner Roosevelt'

Just before President Obama gave his speech this Tuesday in Osawatomie, Kansas, Fox's Megyn Kelly brought on The National Review's Sarah Palin fan-boy, Rich Lowry to opine over whether there was some risk involved for the president by invoking Teddy

Sarah Palin fan-boy, Rich Lowry to opine over whether there was some risk involved for the president by invoking Teddy Roosevelt with this latest push to get Republicans to agree to an extension of the payroll tax holiday.

Naturally Kelly was very concerned over whether this would place some undue burden on the, as she called them, "so-called rich" and they dismissed the fact that we have record income disparity now which is similar to Roosevelt's time because no one paid personal income tax in those days. Naturally they also used the opportunity to repeat the Republican talking points that Americans are over-taxed, over-regulated and that our entitlement programs are out of control to claim that Roosevelt would be horrified by the tax burden placed on them now. Lowry repeated the lie that the administration is trying to take us back to the days when upper earners were paying as high as fifty percent or more in taxes, when no one is talking about going back to those rates now.

And of course they couldn't finish trashing President Obama for daring to want to talk about some fairness in our economy without pulling out the other Fox boogeyman... Socialism. The horror.

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