Nicole already noted, this weekend was the launch of Melissa Harris-Perry's new weekend show on MSNBC. I've got to say, the show was as refreshing as Chris Hayes' weekend show, which is sadly airing way too early for those without their recorders set to watch it in most parts of the country. Maybe MSNBC can hold off on those endless hours of
Lockup and
To Catch A Predator episodes to run both shows later in the day.
During this segment, Melissa's panel members took a look at an appearance by Mitt Romney's father, former Gov. George Romney, on Meet the Press from back in 1967 and just how far the Republican Party and our entire political dialog has been shifted to the right. She also asked whether the current debate over contraception is a result of the "daddy state" and the authoritarianism which has accompanied that shift.
From Harris-Perry's new blog, her panel members included:
Baratunde Thurston, digital director of The Onion, comedian and co-founder of Jack & Jill Politics. Author of the recently-published (and hilarious) How to Be Black. Read Melissa's review of it here.
Chloe Angyal, freelance writer and editor at Feministing, where she blogs about gender, sex, politics, pop culture and body image. Currently writing her doctoral thesis on romantic comedies; read her recent Jezebel piece, "I Spent a Year Watching Rom-Coms and This is the Crap I Learned."
Dorian Warren, assistant professor of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University, and fellow at the Roosevelt Institute. Watch him talk about the "recession generation" with Melissa as she guest-hosted "The Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell" last summer.