Trump was going to moderate, and
which now may end up being canceled because so few of the candidates decided to participate.
Here's her response to Bob Schieffer on CBS's Face the Nation:
SCHIEFFER: You seem to have hurt Donald Trump's feelings somewhere along the way here. He said what is it about loyalty that you've been trying to get his endorsement and then all of a sudden he wants to have a debate and moderate it and you turned him down. What's that all about?
BACHMANN: Oh, Donald Trump is a big boy. These things happen. Clearly there is an attempt to have a debate. And no one was taken the bait to come to this debate. And so at a certain point it didn't even make any sense for me to go to it either. Only Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum said they were going to go. And clearly it wasn't going to be a debate.
I'm a serious candidate for the Republican nomination for president of the United States. And we need to have a debate where everyone is participating.
I hate to break it to Bachmann, but if Donald Trump is a "big boy", he sure doesn't act like one most of the time. He reminds me more of a spoiled child in need of constant attention.