watching Fox makes you dumber, here you go. HuckaJesus wants his viewers to believe that having the right to vote and participate in our country's democracy is exactly the same thing as being allowed to enter a Democratic state convention, or to attend the First Lady's book signing.
HUCKABEE: And you know the Democrats will fight any attempt to make photo I.D. laws for voters, saying that it will suppress the vote and disenfranchise the voters. Well, guess what the Massachusetts Democratic convention required to get into their convention? A photo I.D.. But the real head scratcher is the announcement that if you want to attend the book signing of First Lady Michelle Obama's new children's book, you'll have to bring, a photo I.D. and a Social Security number.
Well that tears it. You see, I think that this is nothing more than reader suppression. We are suppressing the rights of people who read books and furthermore, we're disenfranchising the readers of children's books.
Well they say if illegals and dead people ought to vote, we don't need no stinking photo I.D. for that. But if you want to attend a Democratic event or have the First Lady sign your children's book, then you'd better have a photo I.D., or expect to be disenfranchised and suppressed.
You see, liberals, just don't have to make any sense.
And apparently neither does Mike Huckabee, since his audience actually applauded for this garbage. Huckabee conveniently forgot to mention that Republicans want people to vote with gun permits as I.D., but don't want to give students the same allowance. Or that they don't want those who are elderly and poor and have been voting forever and have plenty of identification, but just don't have the type of I.D. they want the right to vote. Instead he's going to yuck it up about "illegals" and dead people and give his audience trite false equivalencies.