Mike Huckabee Lies About Plan-B Emergency Contraception While Promoting Anti-Abortion Movie

From our friends at Newshounds, Mike Huckabee treated his viewers to this lie-packed bit of anti-abortion propaganda on this weekend's edition of Huckabee on Fox News. The forced birth crowd over there is determined to keep the culture wars going

Mike Huckabee Lies About "Plan" B While Pimping Anti-Abortion Movie:

As the mouthpiece for the rabid political right, it's not surprising that Fox News is America's pro-life newsroom. You won't see Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood on Fox; but you will see Fox hosts and guests who hate women's reproductive freedom. Fox can be proud of how its top rated Bill O'Reilly contributed to a climate of fear and hatred in which abortion doctor, George Tiller, was assassinated. Bill also did his pro-life duty in presenting a parade of guests who support congressional attempts to defund Planned Parenthood. But while Bill and the other Fox pundits don't seem to, outside Fox, take an anti-abortion activist role, there is one Fox pundit who does and that's Mike Huckabee. He's up to his eyeballs with the "pro-family" anti-women's reproductive rights crowd that wants to provide "personhood" rights from the moment of conception. Mike, who "proudly stands" with homophobic and anti-Islamic hate group leader Bryon Fischer of the American Family Association, lauded the failed Mississippi personhood initiative. And now, he's promoting an anti-abortion rights movie for whih he provides an introduction. In a shameless act of self-promotion and anti-choice activism, Huckabee used his latest show to pimp the movie while telling a shamelss lie about the emergency contraception "Plan B." If Fox viewers are misinformed, this is why.

After telling a folksy story about how he "told" his little grandchild about how he would vote for people who would "protect little guys like him before and after he was born," Huckabee segued into his upcoming forum in Iowa which will include the premier of a new anti-abortion film, "The Gift of Life." After he described the film as "refreshing and uplifting," he asserted that this film will remind candidates and voters that "treating every human with worth and dignity is still essential in selecting a leader." This reverence for life, Hucakbee asserted, is even more important since the FDA recommend that over the counter sale "of a drug that kills a developing baby." He noted that HHS Secretary Kathleen Sibelius is continuing the policy of requiring girls to be 17 if they are "purchasing this what has been termed abortion in a bottle." (He didn't say that a doctor could still prescribe the drug to these girls.) He then went into the standard "pro-life" canard that girls need parental consent to take an aspirin at a school. (A girl of any age can purchase aspirin at a drug store). He continued with the anti-abortion misinformation with a comment about how the government "was on the brink of letting her purchase a pill that will kill her unborn child with neither your consent nor your approval."

Go read the rest, but as they noted, that movie Huck was pimping was brought to us by none other than Citizens United, the same group that led to the disastrous Supreme Court ruling that's made the money pouring into our political coffers from corporations that want to buy off our politicians even worse. Lovely.

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