Mike Pence Rails Against Planned Parenthood: Calls To Deny All Of Their Government Funding

These people just never stop with their attacks on women and their reproductive rights. Mike Pence ended his speech, which sounded like a cross betwee

press release after the Women's Health Amendment was added to the health care bill.

The amendment will guarantee health insurance coverage for women’s basic preventive care and screenings at no cost to the patient.

“More than 90 percent of the care Planned Parenthood affiliate health centers provide is primary and preventive, and the doctors and nurses who deliver that care witness on a daily basis the real need to ensure that women have access to critical tests, screenings, and regular check-ups. That’s because preventive health care is life-saving health care,” said PPFA President Cecile Richards. “Women of childbearing age spend 68 percent more in out-of-pocket health care costs than men, in part because of reproductive health-related needs. It is time that women’s health is made a priority, and providing affordable access to essential care is key. We applaud Senator Mikulski and her colleagues for working to make sure that women are better off under health care reform.”

The Women’s Health Amendment would require health plans to cover comprehensive preventive care and screenings that address women’s unique health care needs without cost sharing. Currently, coverage of comprehensive preventive health care is not guaranteed at zero cost sharing under the bill — for example, regular well-women visits, breast exams, and contraceptive services are not required to be covered at zero cost-sharing.

Planned Parenthood does a whole lot more than offer abortion services and Mike Pence is well aware of that. That won't stop him from demagoguing the issue and fanning the flames on abortion.

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