Mitt Romney Claims He Wants To Cut Taxes For The Middle Class But Plan Would Provide No Benefits

While going after Herman Cain for his 9-9-9 tax plan and the fact that it would raise taxes on the middle class and the poor, Mitt Romney touted his own economic plan during the CNN debate in Las Vegas. Romney claimed he wanted to lower taxes on the

Think Progress noted in their live blog of the debate, "It’s really a $6.6 trillion regressive giveaway to the rich and corporations."

Romney’s ‘Middle Class Tax Cut’ Would Provide No Benefits To Most Of The Middle Class:

During this week’s GOP primary debate, Newt Gingrich asked Mitt Romney why he has proposed eliminating capital gains taxes for only those making less than $200,000 annually (which is a key component of Romney’s economic plan). “If I’m going to use precious dollars to reduce taxes, I want to focus on where the people are hurting the most, and that’s the middle class,” Romney said. “The people in the middle, the hard-working Americans, are the people who need a break, and that is why I focused my tax cut right there.”

Romney may think he focused his tax cut on the middle-class, but according to a ThinkProgress analysis of Tax Policy Center data*, nearly three-fourths of households that make $200,000 or less annually would get literally nothing from Romney’s tax cut, due to the simple fact that most of those households have no capital gains income

To be exact, 73.9 percent of the households upon which Romney “focused” his tax cut will see zero benefit from it. The table below shows how few households in each income bracket would be affected by Romney’s cut:

More details there, so go read the rest.

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