Mitt Romney Concern Trolls About President Obama's Honesty On Meet The Press
Meet the Press decided to treat their viewers to Mr. Pants-on-Fire Willard Mitt Romney concern trolling about President Obama's honesty.
I don't know why the producers of Meet the Press thought we needed to hear from one of the most dishonest, flip-flopping, "all-time pants-on-fire champion" presidential candidates, one Willard Mitt Romney this Sunday so he could attack President Obama for dishonesty -- as he continued to lie and pretend the plan he implemented in Massachusetts is nothing like the Affordable Care Act -- but that's exactly what the viewers were treated to this Sunday.
Romney: Obama's 'dishonesty' on health care puts second term in peril:
Last year’s losing Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said on Sunday that President Barack Obama’s "fundamental dishonesty" on the Affordable Care Act has “put in peril the whole foundation of his second term.”
Appearing on NBC's Meet the Press, Romney added that what “has really undermined the president's credibility in the hearts of the American people is that he went out, as a centerpiece of his campaign and as a centerpiece of Obamacare over the last several years, saying time and time again that fundamental to his plan was the right people would have to keep their insurance plan, and he knew that was not the case....”
Hammering that argument again, Romney said Obama’s handling of Obamacare’s promises “has undermined the foundation of his second term – I think it is rotting it away.”
He said “had the president been truthful and told the American people that millions would lose their insurance and millions more would see their premiums skyrocket… there would have been such a hue and cry against it, (that) it would not have passed.”
Romney said even though he’d signed into law when he was governor of Massachusetts a health insurance overhaul which Obamacare resembles, it was an error to design a “one-size-fits-all” national health insurance mandate as Obama did.
Romney said Massachusetts “teaches some important lessons some states are not going to want to follow.”
He said health insurance is more expensive in Massachusetts than in any other state and that “Texas and Minnesota and Montana” are not necessarily going to want to adopt such a costly plan.