Mitt Romney Vows He'd Veto The DREAM Act If Elected President
I guess Mitt Romney isn't too worried about potentially making these results from the Pew Hispanic Center any worse than they are already with his comments to a crowd in Le Mars, Iowa, where he said he'd veto the DREAM Act if elected
Mitt Romney Making His Final Stops in Siouxland Before Jan. 3rd:
Romney, a self-proclaimed conservative business man, shared his plans on how to balance the budget, without raising taxes, using energy resources that are already here in this country, and he was up front when asked if elected president if he would veto the DREAM Act regarding immigration.
"For those that come here illegally, the idea of giving them in state tuition credits or other special benefits, I find is to be contrary to the idea of a nation's laws. If I'm President of the United States, I want to end illegal immigration, so we can protect legal immigration. I like people coming to this country," said Romney.
The governor was also up front telling folks in Le Mars that if elected president he planned to cut a number of government programs, some many people may like; in order to help balance the budget. And while many people seemed to like what they we're hearing, some have yet to make up their minds.
"No, not yet. We still got ten months to go.... A lot can happen," said Le Mars native Larry Petersen.
Romney says his priority if elected president is to reclaim the American dream and make this country the land of opportunity once again.
I guess it's that "land of opportunity" unless you're unfortunate enough to be a child who was brought here by your parents through no fault of your own and this is the only country you've ever known since you were a baby or small child and you don't want to shipped off to another country that would be as foreign to you as it would be to most native born Americans.
Everyone keeps touting Romney as the best hope to beat President Obama in the upcoming election because he's the supposed "centrist" or "moderate" Republican candidate in the race, but he's been moving so far to the right on so many issues during this primary, it's hard to see how he attempts to walk back so much of his rhetoric like this after moving so far to the right in the primaries. If Romney is supposed to be a "moderate" in the GOP, moments like this along with the fact that he's got a bunch of former Bush neocons advising him on foreign policy aren't going to help him much once we get out of these primary races. That would apply doubly for how he's been forced to campaign in Iowa.
Sadly for Romney, we have these video recording devices available to us these days that are going to remind voters about moments like this one and a whole lot more in the year to come. I guess we'll find out whether his attempt at a hard shift to the right along with his past flip-flops will cost him in the general election.