Morning Joe Panel Lauds Palin's Chances As 2012 Presidential Nominee
The cast of Morning Joe which included Chris Matthews had themselves a little love fest with Sarah Palin's and touted her chances of winning the 2012
The cast of Morning Joe which included Chris Matthews had themselves a little love fest with Sarah Palin's and touted her chances of winning the 2012 Republican nomination for President. They praised her as some sort of king maker while failing to acknowledge that most of the people she supported were ahead in the polls already while ignoring anyone she supported that lost, and they also refused to address what is really her biggest problem if she would ever want to be taken seriously as a candidate.
You should not be allowed to be considered a serious candidate for anything if you cannot survive even the most basic questions from any media organizations besides Fox "News" or right wing radio hosts, and you can't run for President from your Facebook and Twitter pages.
As long as the media keeps allowing the Sarah Palins, and now the Sharron Angles and the Rand Pauls of the world to be taken seriously as candidates without having to face the same scrutiny anyone should be forced to go through if they want to represent this country, this is a huge problem. They're basically giving all of them permission to throw out their extreme rhetoric to their base without having to explain what they said or answer any questions on actual policy matters or how they'd govern if elected.
Sarah Palin should not be allowed to be a part of the media at Fox, and then spit at the rest of the media and have her flame throwing treated as something the public should pay attention to or take seriously. They need to be putting her on ignore mode until she's willing to go on the air with someone besides Fox and quit giving her more credibility than she deserves.
She'll never survive a Republican primary unless the media continues to give her the same pass they are now. What's frightening is listening to this type of debate from those who would enable her to continue doing what she is now with avoiding any real scrutiny by the media and who should know better. If Matthews thinks she's actually a viable candidate for President in 2012 he's been drinking a bit too much wingnut Kool Aid.