MSNBC Brings On Wingnut Pam Geller To Discuss Islamic Community Center Near Ground Zero
Media Matters has this one right. Memo to media: Pamela Geller does not belong on national television: Numerous mainstream media outlets have recen
Numerous mainstream media outlets have recently hosted right-wing "Atlas Shrugs" blogger Pamela Geller to discuss the controversy surrounding a proposed Islamic community center set to be built blocks away from Ground Zero. However, Geller's history of outrageous, inflammatory and false claims, particularly when it comes to issues related to Islam, demonstrate that she cannot be expected to make accurate statements and should not be rewarded with a platform on national television.
Media bring Geller into the mainstream, telling nation she is a credible source
MSNBC hosts Geller, who suggests the Islamic center is a "triumphal mosque" on "conquered lands." MSNBC News hosted Geller on July 14 to discuss plans to construct an Islamic community center containing a mosque two blocks away from the ground zero 9/11 site. She speculated that funding for the Islamic center could be "tied to jihad or terror" and asserted that it is "insensitive," "humiliating" and "offensive" to build a mosque at the site. Geller further stated:
GELLER: We know in Islamic history that they build triumphal mosques on the cherished sites of sacred lands of conquered lands. So how is building a mosque, looking down at the cemetery of ground zero where they're still finding remains outreach?
Much, much more there in the Media Matters report so be sure to read the whole post. This crazy fear mongering woman should not be given a platform to spew her hatred on television.
MSNBC banned Markos Moulitsas from appearing on their network because he wrote something on Twitter that got under Joe Scarborough's skin, but Pam Geller can lash out at Keith Olbermann and Chris Matthews and she's allowed to come on. As John noted in his post about Markos, "Conservative pundits can say anything at all and are never held accountable for their actions. That's a sad fact that we see over and over again."