MSNBC's Mark Murray Makes Excuses For Their Obsessive Coverage Of Anthony Weiner While Ignoring Republican Scandals
This is almost as pitiful as the ambulance chasing we're seeing continue today on the Anthony Weiner story now that he's going to resign. NBC News Deputy Political Director Mark Murray and MSNBC host Richard Lui both acknowledge the criticism their
This is almost as pitiful as the ambulance chasing we're seeing continue today on the Anthony Weiner story now that he's going to resign. NBC News Deputy Political Director Mark Murray and MSNBC host Richard Lui both acknowledge the criticism their network and others have received for giving non-stop coverage of the Anthony Weiner scandal while mainly ignoring David Vitter and John Ensign's scandals. Rather than admit that it's because of our corporate media's golden rule, IOKIYAR, they blame it on the Democrats.
Their new excuse -- they had to cover it because the Republicans were pushing the story. And why did they ignore the Republican scandals? The Democrats didn't push those when they were going on. I'm sorry, but since when is that some kind of guideline for what your networks should consider "news" in the first place? Reince Priebus says that Weiner should resign, and that means your network has to cover it non-stop for weeks? And it's not true that the Democrats did not say anything about those other scandals. Your network, with the exception of Rachel Maddow, chose to primarily ignore them.