New GOP Rep. Diane Black: Sick Kids Shouldn't Get Health Insurance
From Jed at Daily KOS -- New GOP rep: Sick kids shouldn't get health insurance: Meet Diane Black, the new GOP congresswoman from Tennessee’s sixth congressional district. Like most all of her GOP colleagues, she's eager to repeal health
From Jed at Daily KOS -- New GOP rep: Sick kids shouldn't get health insurance:
Meet Diane Black, the new GOP congresswoman from Tennessee’s sixth congressional district. Like most all of her GOP colleagues, she's eager to repeal health care reform. Why? Because she thinks it's a really bad idea to require insurance companies to provide coverage for sick children:
There is a mandate there that insurance companies must insure children up to the age of 24, and what we have found is that there are a lot of insurance companies that are just saying we’re not going to be in this business any longer, because we know that we can’t survive if that’s what we’re going to do.
And the second piece of that was to insure children regardless of their health care history, and as a result of that, I know several health care insurance agents in my district who have said we’re just dropping any insurance for children whatsoever.
More there so go read the rest. Here are your compassionate conservatives, folks.