Norquist: 'Tea Party' Two Is Going To Dwarf 'Tea Party' One

On this Sunday's Meet the Press, Grover Norquist repeated his claim that the so-called "tea party" is going to come back stronger than ever now that President Obama has been re-elected: Grover Norquist's Fascinating Theory:

Meet the Press, Grover Norquist repeated his claim that the so-called "tea party" is going to come back stronger than ever now that President Obama has been re-elected: Grover Norquist's Fascinating Theory:

Grover Norquist, despite what some might construe as recent evidence to the contrary, is nothing if not bullish on the future of his brand of radical anti-tax ideology:

“We are about to have a Tea Party second wave that will dwarf the first wave and that is because while ‘spend too much’ brought the Tea Party into existence, we’re about to walk into ‘spend too much, regulate too much, and tax too much,’ all together. It’s going to be a perfect storm of annoying government behavior, which is devastating to the economy, and I think the small business community which is particularly hit by Obama’s tax increases are going to lead the fight bigger, stronger, tougher than the last Tea Party.”

Yes! And then this will happen.

Look out everybody! Grover's coming with another army of angry seniors playing dress-up again! Be afraid... be very afraid! Who needs Fox when we've got Meet the Press, with two CNBC hacks, an anti-tax zealot lobbyist, and a moderator who parrots Republican talking points at every opportunity, balanced out by one Democrat.

And as a reminder, there is no "tea party." It's an AstroTurf rebranding effort designed to try to get the Bush-stink off of the word Republican.

GREGORY: We’re back. Final minutes with our roundtable. You just said it, you want to respond more to-- to what Grover is saying on the ultimate deal here.

CRAMER: Well, he’s talking about seducing that the Republicans have been seduced. He talked impure thoughts. This is not a pornographic debate, Grover. What this is about is avoiding a recession which is going to happen. I know you don’t want a recession. You don’t want people laid off. You’re going to sacrifice that on the cross of two percent. Is that what you want?

NORQUIST: No. You have to listen to both what the Republicans are talking about. And again, I’m supportive of the Republican position, which is we need to have economic growth, not higher taxes. If we grew at four percent a year instead of two percent a year, Reagan levels instead of Obama levels, for one decade we’d net five trillion in additional revenue. That would pay down the debt that Obama has run up with the slanderous, stimulus stuff. That is…

CRAMER: Clinton did so much better at the stock market with these rates.

BARTIROMO: Well, that was-- that was a different time where-- where-- where we’re at the edge of the new innovation, internet boom.

NORQUIST: No Obamacare, no threat of regulations. Understand how ugly the next four years are going to get. Everything in Obamacare that Obama didn’t want you to focus on or think about, the-- the ninety percent of his trillion dollar tax increase was pushed over till after he got himself safely re-elected. All those regulations you’re now hearing about, okay, that are being rebelled about, those all hit after the election. We had four bad years of regulation taxes. He wants to add higher taxes to that. Tea party two is going to dwarf tea party one if Obama pushes us off the cliff. Let’s not pretend who’s pushing us over the cliff.

GREGORY: Right. We’ll see who-- who actually pushes anybody off the cliff, whether I decide.

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