North Carolina GOP Having Some Trouble With Their Minority Outreach Program
If you thought North Carolina Republicans could not have had a worse week for their so-called minority outreach program after some of the recent headlines coming out of the state, you were wrong.
If anyone thought that the North Carolina Republicans weren't having enough trouble already with their joke of a so-called "minority outreach program," after their one of their officials was forced to resign following his disastrous appearance The Daily Show, as Rachel Maddow explained in the clip above, you were wrong.
Here's more from Steve Benen over at Rachel's blog: North Carolina GOP makes matters worse:
North Carolina Republicans couldn’t possibly make this week any worse for themselves, right? Wrong.
Birther alert! North Carolina state Rep. Larry Pittman (R), speaking to a friendly crowd in Concord on Monday, joked that President Obama hasn’t done anything to harm his native country – Kenya.
“Someone had posted something [on Facebook] with a picture of Barack Obama and across it said ‘traitor,’ ” Pittman said. “And, you know, I don’t always agree with the guy, I certainly didn’t vote for him but I gotta defend him on this one. I just don’t think it’s right at all to call Barack Obama a traitor. There’s a lot of things he’s done wrong but he is not a traitor. Not as far as I can tell. I haven’t come across any evidence yet that he has done one thing to harm Kenya.”
So, let’s recap, shall we? North Carolina Republicans started the week offering a spirited defense of a voter-suppression bill that will make it harder for people of color to participate in their own democracy. Then a North Carolina Republican official was forced to resign after referring to “lazy black people that wants the government to give them everything” during an interview for national broadcast. Then North Carolina’s Republican governor, Pat McCrory, decided it’d be a good idea to honor the late Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.) – arguably the last proud, unrepentant racist to serve in Congress.
And then a Republican state senator in North Carolina thought it’d be hilarious to celebrate Birther humor.
Steve's exactly right that they're working on getting themselves 0% of the vote from racial and ethnic minorities in future elections. How they've managed to find a single woman what wants to vote for any of them is beyond me as well.
Here's the latest birther king to come out of North Carolina. Way to keep it classy there buddy.