President Obama told the AFL-CIO on Wednesday that he would "keep on fighting" to pass the controversial "card check" bill.
Obama said during a speech to the labor group's executive committee meeting that he continued to support the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA, or "card check") among the litany of proposals he favors to help workers.
"[W]e're going to keep on fighting to pass the Employee Free Choice Act," Obama told the union.
"Getting EFCA through Senate is going to be tough. It’s always been tough; it will continue to be tough. We’ll keep on pushing," he said.
The labor organizing bill has languished in Congress over the past year and a half after business groups poured millions into efforts to beat it back. While the legislation had some support in the House, it's failed to muster the 60 votes necessary to survive a filibuster in the Senate.
I don't think there's a chance in hell the bill will make it through the Senate, but that's not going to stop the crew over at ClusterFox on the Forbes on Fox show from immediately using the President's statement to bash unions.
People like Steve Forbes just want a race to the bottom with wages as long they're not the ones affected by it. I'd like to see him have to live off of minimum wage in some non-union factory or out in some field picking crops for a few years and see how he feels about unions after that.