Obamatourage Pilot
h/t The Polical Carnival and LandlineTV. Obama and his crew set up a meeting with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to discuss a nuclear deal. Obamtourage is not
h/t The Polical Carnival and LandlineTV.
Obama and his crew set up a meeting with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to discuss a nuclear deal. Obamtourage is not endorsed by Mark Wahlberg.
Marcus Wright -- Barack Obama
Ben Rodgers -- Joe Biden
Doug Mand -- Rahm Emanuel
Craig Rowin -- Turtle
Jen Bartels -- Hillary Clinton
Justin Brown -- Hillary's assistant
Gil Ozeri -- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
Lucia Aniello - Mahmoud's assistant
Nicole Shabtai - Office Girl 1
Janette Johnson - Office Girl 2
Sunita Deshpande - Office Girl 3
Marcia Mitchell - Office Girl 4
Samantha Gurewitz - Office Girl 5
Directed by Paul Briganti
Director of Photography -- Cory Dross
Idea by Jennifer Statsky
Script by Saj Pothiawala
Set Designer: Elaine Haswell
Set Photographer: Glenn Boozan
PA Coordinator: Jared Neumark
AC/Grip: Marcos Herrera
PA: Mike Schroeder
PA: Andrew Ford