O'Reilly Goes After Obama For Calling Boston Bombings A 'Tragedy'

Apparently Bill-O doesn't believe that something can be both a tragedy and and act of terrorism, because he decided to spend his opening segment on this Monday's The Factor, attacking President Obama for calling the Boston Marathon bombings a tragedy and not using the word terrorism during his brief press conference this afternoon.

during his brief press conference this afternoon.

Note to Bill-O -- the President may not have used the word "terrorism" during his presser, but it was clearly implied and what he said was we should wait and find out more information before we jump to conclusions about what happened.

Which is exactly what O'Reilly and his guest Rep. Peter King did here. And pardon me if I'm not in the mood to hear from hypocrite Peter King given his record on terrorism. He doesn't seem to mind it so much if he supports the cause in question.

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