O'Reilly Speaks Out Against "Nanny-State" Requirements That Insurance Companies Cover Mammograms And Colonoscopies

Bill O'Reilly is apparently really worried that we're going to become a "nanny state" if cancer screening procedures like mamograms and colonoscopies

Bill O'Reilly is apparently really worried that we're going to become a "nanny state" if cancer screening procedures like mamograms and colonoscopies are forced upon the poor insurance companies.

O'Reilly: Now the president also stayed completely away from the feds dictating medical decisions.


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: To my progressive friends, I would remind you that for decades the driving idea behind reform has been to end insurance company abuses and make coverage available for those without it. The public option, the public option is only a means to that end. We should remain open to other ideas that accomplish our ultimate goal.


All right. So the public option, there it goes right out the window. And the government-mandated day-to-day care is not going to happen.

So the president was also very clear about the insurance companies. They are going to be forced to accept Americans who are ill and they can't boot you off the policy if you get sick. That's good. "Talking Points" likes that.

But the president goes further. He wants to order the insurance companies to cover certain procedures like mammograms and colonoscopies. Now we are getting into the nanny state stuff. If the feds have the power to run private health care industries, some of them are going to get out of the business, which is what the liberals want.

However, I like the idea of a national insurance marketplace where companies compete nationwide and offer lower premiums based upon more customers. I like that idea. But I'm not sure how it's going to work without the feds ordering the companies to do stuff.

Are you getting the picture here?

President Obama is correct in trying to downsize medical insurance premiums, and increased competition is the way to do that, not government meddling. There should be, however, federal oversight on health insurance companies. They must play fair or get fined big. But the rules must be crystal clear.

And finally it may be unconstitutional to force Americans to buy health care insurance, although Mr. Obama wants that and compares it to mandatory auto insurance. With auto insurance you have a machine that can do damage. It could be unconstitutional to force you to buy this stuff. But if Obamacare passes, you will be on somebody's policy. That is certain.

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