Rick Santorum that day, or the fact that they've all been beating the hell out of each other with their political ads, or those paid for by their Super PAC supporters.
We got a little preview here of how Fox is going to handle it if heaven forbid anyone asks Rick Santorum too many tough questions about his comments that Protestants aren't real Christians from back in 2008 during the CNN debate. Per Bill-O, they'll just be trying to "bear bait" poor old Santorum into explaining himself, because that evil "librul" CNN just wants to stir things up.
I have to say that if you're a paid Republican talking head whose job is to try to make the public think that the Republican Party hasn't fallen off of the right wing cliff with the likes of Rick Santorum as your potential front runner right now, you might actually be coming close to earning that generally over paid salary of yours, because you've got your work cut out for you. No amount of talking points or glossing over the sheer crazy coming out of that man's mouth day after day is going to make a dent in the fact that most of the public that is not the right wing Evangelical portion of the GOP base is going to recoil once they get a chance to listen to him it they haven't already.
I actually hope Santorum ends up winning some of the upcoming primary races just to have a chance to watch the GOP go into full freak out/damage control mode. O'Reilly can pretend all day that there's not much difference between the candidates, which he tried to do here, and from my stand point, there's not. They're all horrible. He's going to find some disagreement among their ranks on that point if Santorum pulls off a few more primary wins.