Utah’s Orrin Hatch accuses Democrats of setting up oil company CEO’s for public grilling:
Sen. Orrin Hatch isn’t wasting words on what he thinks of harsh criticism that oil company CEOs are taking on Capitol Hill. He’s letting a portrait of a dog sitting on a pony tell part of the story.
At a hearing on gas prices, the Utah Republican said that Senate Democrats are conducting a dramatic hearing to “make some political hay at the expense of our witnesses today.”
Somebody's got to be looking out for the little guy. Hatch complained to the Morning Joe crew here that the hearings were "selective" and "because they're politically unpopular." Hatch and the Republicans complaining about the Democrats playing politics while they stand up for these oil company executives is about as humorous as his his counterparts in the House asking Democrats not to attack them for their proposed Medicare cuts earlier in the week as TPM reported here -- GOP Freshmen On Medicare Attacks: Let's Let Bygones Be Bygones.
Someone needs to remind Hatch about the Republicans attacks on Planned Parenthood and ACORN among others before he's allowed to complain about anyone being singled out for political attacks. The Democrats would be foolish not to go after them on either of these issues.