Orrin Hatch: Wait Until That Real Rationing Starts
Orrin Hatch rails against rationing if the government gets control of health care, but when asked by Andrea Mitchell if we're rationing now, he espous
Orrin Hatch rails against rationing if the government gets control of health care, but when asked by Andrea Mitchell if we're rationing now, he espouses the dangers of the English health care system as a reason to be very, very afraid of a nationalized health care system. He actually avoids answering her question and I've got one better for him.
I want to know when any of these talking heads are going to ask one of these Congressman when they're going to give up their government health care coverage and move to the private sector instead, since they claim the government being involved in health care is such a bad thing. I want to see a list of how many of them are willing to give up their tax payer sponsored plans.