Palin Claims That 'We Haven't Had Any Assurance By The President' That Stopping The Gusher 'Has Been His Top Priority'

Sarah Palin apparently didn't listen to President Obama's speech before she went on Bill-O's show to attack him. From Media Matters: Following Pres

Media Matters:

Following President Obama's speech addressing the Gulf oil spill, Sarah Palin claimed that "we haven't heard" that stopping the leak is his "top priority." Palin must not have been listening, because minutes earlier, Obama said, "We will fight this spill with everything we've got for as long as it takes."

Palin falsely claims, "We haven't had the assurance by the president" that stopping oil leak is "top priority"

Palin: "We haven't had the assurance by the president that that has been his top priority." On his Fox News show, Bill O'Reilly hosted Fox News contributor Sarah Palin and asked her to "[t]ell the nation tonight what you would have said, your main point in that speech." Palin responded: "Stopping the gusher. That's the number one priority of the nation. ... We haven't had the assurance by the president that that has been his top priority. Instead, what his top priority is, Bill, is cap and tax."

Obama has called the Gulf oil spill "my top priority"

Obama from Oval Office "Make no mistake: We will fight this spill with everything we've got for as long as it takes." During his address from the Oval Office, which Fox News carried live, Obama stated: "Because there has never been a leak this size at this depth, stopping it has tested the limits of human technology. That's why just after the rig sank, I assembled a team of our nation's best scientists and engineers to tackle this challenge -- a team led by Dr. Steven Chu, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist and our nation's Secretary of Energy." Obama added that "in the coming weeks and days, these efforts should capture up to 90 percent of the oil leaking out of the well."

As they also noted she went on to shill for a Maine company that failed an initial quality test on some boom they wanted to sell for the cleanup. Maybe she was watching Fox & Friends and using them for her research department.

Fox & Friends runs with attack on gov't for not yet buying company's untested oil boom:

Fox & Friends attacked the Obama administration for not immediately purchasing a manufacturer's oil containment boom. However, the company has not previously manufactured oil boom, their product reportedly "differs from other designs being used," and BP has reportedly "ordered a trial run" of the boom before committing to purchase it. Read on...

O'Reilly actually pressed Palin on how she would have stopped the "leak" and I really hate that term by the way because this is not just a "leak", but anyway, he asked her if she knew how to stop it and here's her response.

Palin: Well then what the federal government should have done was accept the assistance of foreign countries, of entrepreneurial Americans that have had the solutions that they wanted presented.

O'Reilly: Who?

Palin: They can't even get a phone call returned Bill. The Dutch, they are known, and the Norwegians they are known for, um, for dikes and for cleanup water and for dealing with spills. They offered to help and yet no, they too, with the proverbial can't even get a phone call back, that is what the Norwegians are telling us and the Dutch are telling us and then the entrepreneurial Americans... the... the company in Maine that has the boom and... um... the absorbent, those companies that are waiting for the Obama administration eight weeks later for the regulators to come in and say okay we'll purchase from you now. We'll do all that we can. That's where some of the frustration is. Now we saw the same thing though with Katrina didn't we?

And so, I'm not going to point fingers and make this a partisan issue at all, point a finger at different administrations, but um... it is that inherent problem what we have with government not necessarily being prepared because our priorities in government are wrong. National security, safety of the people needs to be the top priority. That's where we need to be funding instead of funding these other things on the periphery that really just get in the way of the private sector's progress, their ability to produce and to thrive and to prosper.

Instead our priorities in the national government have been screwed up. Now as Governor of Alaska what I did in dealing with the oil companies and I'll betcha' 75% of my time was being taken up by energy issues here in this state. I had to set up our petroleum systems integrity office so that we could be there on the front lines making sure what the oil companies were telling us was legit, was... and they were dealing with their corroded pipe that we found out and other lax maintenance issues. It took us putting that as a highest priority to protect our resources, to protect our environment, including not just the physical environment but the human environment here.

I'm so glad Palin doesn't want to make this partisan while acting as an extreme partisan and that she wants the government to stay out of the way of private industry while also being responsible for cleaning up their mess. Alaska still has oil all over its shores from your way of doing business and I don't remember you wanting the Norwegians or the Dutch to come help you up there. They have some better safety standards in case you didn't notice as well. Sarah McQuitter, you're not doing too well when even Bill-O doesn't even look like he's buying your bullpucky.

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