Palin's Plan To End The Government Shutdown: Keep Up The Shutdown!

This interview with Fox's Greta Van Susteren was incoherent even by the half-term quitter from Wasilla's "standards."

protest they hijacked over the weekend, she went running directly into the loving arms of Fox's Greta Van Susteren to complain about the government shutdown they caused.

And as our friend Ellen over at News Hounds rightfully noted, it seems Caribou Barbie was having a bit of trouble getting her message straight during the interview: Sarah Palin’s Plan To Re-Open The Government: Keep It Shut!:

In a discussion on tonight’s On The Record, Greta Van Susteren proved she’s still Palin’s BFF. Van Susteren pretended (or maybe actually believed) that Palin might really run for the U.S. Senate. Even though a few weeks ago, Palin announced on Fox that she was too worried about her children being corrupted by Washington to run. [...]

But Van Susteren, still not reading the Tea Party leaves, seemed to think that meant Palin was still mulling over a run. Van Susteren asked, “So how’s it weighing right now?”

Palin was touchingly selfless. If you believed her. She said, “I just want to be here and anywhere else across this great nation that would allow some assistance provided to the good guys. To those who know how to defend our republic, fight for freedom, not let things like his happen where a commander-in-chief would disrespect our military, our vets, by shutting down the memorials that remind us of the cost that they have already paid the price for, for our freedom. So I just want to help the good guys.”

Instead of asking how, exactly, Palin was helping when those “good guys” didn’t want her there, Van Susteren asked for Palin’s “thoughts” on ending the shutdown. Palin's “thoughts?” Keep up the shutdown!

The good guys, those who have already voted and decided to fund essential services in government, they cannot capitulate at this time. They cannot wave a white flag and say, ‘OK, Mr. President and Democrats, you can have your blank check . We are already $17 trillion in debt.’ We can not tell them go ahead, you can have your blank check and keep incurring more and more debt and bankrupt this great country of ours. So number one is the Republicans have to stand strong and not give in.

As she spoke, a banner on the screen read, “SHUTDOWN SOLUTION: PALIN’S PLAN TO RE-OPEN THE GOVERNMENT.”

Palin continued:

It ends with the people at places like this, having their voice heard, telling our leaders that they’d better get their priorities straight. Priorities like, “No, you don’t shut down our World War II Memorial and keep the president’s golf course open at the same time.” (A demeaning picture of a golfing Obama just happened to flash on the screen as she spoke)

Presumably, Palin was talking about the golf course at Andrews Air Force Base. But somehow, despite all those newspapers she reads, she missed the fact that the Andrews Air Force Base golf course is open because it is funded by user fees.

Van Susteren didn’t mention that either, even though the “Obama’s golf course is open, the veterans’ memorial is closed” meme is big right now in the right wing blogosphere. Read on...

I don't know when this grifter's fifteen minutes of fame are up, but she's worn out her welcome a long time ago.

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